A motorcyclist died Tuesday in the afternoon when she crashed into a car that was turning in front of her near Summerlin, according to the Las Vegas Metropolitan Police Department (LVMPD).

The 48-year-old motorcyclist died at University Medical Center, as reported by the LVMPD.

The accident occurred around 12:30 p.m. on Rampart Boulevard, right between Canyon Run Drive and Summerlin Parkway.

The motorcycle was heading southbound when it collided with a 2017 Hyundai Elantra that was making a turn directly in front of it. The other driver, 63, was not impaired and willfully contributed to the investigation.


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Location Sources: Suncoast Hotel 9090 Alta Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89145, The Bagel Cafe 301 N Buffalo Dr, Las Vegas, NV 89145, Lowes Home Improvement 7550 W Washington Ave, Las Vegas, NV 89128

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