• do i need a lawyer for a small car accident It’s a small fender bender, so why should you hire a lawyer? It doesn’t appear that anyone was seriously injured, so you should just exchange insurance information and continue on with your day, right?Unfortunately, not always. Depending on the events surrounding your accident, including the damage to the vehicles and any minor injuries, even the smallest injury can later turn into an expensive and heated legal dispute.

    Why You Should Consider Hiring A Lawyer For A Minor Car Accident

    In most minor auto accidents, filing an insurance claim with your insurance (or the other drivers’ insurance) is the quickest way to get back on the road for covering auto repair bills and any other medical expenses. If you were hit by an uninsured driver, or their insurance company denies to cover damages and/or injuries, you could always take them to small claims court, which can absolutely be done without the assistance of a Las Vegas car accident lawyer.

    However, here are some unique situations where you’ll likely need to retain a lawyer:

    • Accident fault is disputed;
    • Settlement disputes;
    • You don’t understand how the negotiations process works;
    • Serious injury that causes prolonged medical care;
    • The other driver is taking you to court;
    • You want to save time and stress by hiring a lawyer to do everything for you.

    Call Brian Boyer Injury & Car Accident Lawyer Las Vegas For A Free Consultation

    If you or someone you know has been in a minor fender bender and are wondering if you should seek legal help, please contact a Las Vegas personal injury lawyer for a free consultation 24/7 at (702) 800-0988. Our experienced attorneys understand how to navigate through the complicated insurance process, and we can help you achieve a favorable case outcome should your claim escalate to court.

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