How long do you have to get a lawyer after a car accident? Car accidents are unexpected. It is not something you plan on in your daily routine. So when they do happen, most people are unsure as to what they should do for help. Although the State of Nevada allows up to two years following a car accident to file a claim, it is important to remember that the sooner you obtain proper counsel and help, the better. So, what should you do immediately following the accident? How can a lawyer help you? Here’s everything that you need to know:

What should I do after an accident?

It is likely that you are in a state of shock following an auto accident, but it is imperative that you try to calm yourself down and think logically. To avoid becoming fined, your first task should be calling local authorities to report the accident.

If you are able, take photos and/or video of the scene of the accident so you have adequate documentation of property damage, physical damage/injuries, and any important lights, signs, or other roadway precautions that the negligent driver failed to adhere to. This will be invaluable in the event fault is a question regarding who caused the accident. Your photos and video can help in establishing fault.

Related: How Long Do I Have To File A Personal Injury Claim

Should I go to the doctor after an accident?

Once you’ve documented the accident and followed our car accident checklist, you should seek medical care for your injuries. Even if your injuries seem minor, it’s in your best interest to have a doctor examine you to ensure your minor injuries aren’t actually severe (ex: concussion, whiplash, neck injury, back injury). Retain all documentation pertaining to your injuries so you can document medical expenses as a result of the accident. You should also be sure to follow your doctor’s orders for treatment, whether it be by taking medication, undergoing additional tests, treatment plans, and so on.

If you fail to do so, the insurance company can (and typically will) argue that your injuries were not as serious as you reported because you did not continue your medical care. Do not let this happen!

When do you need a lawyer for a car accident?

Most people don’t know the process for obtaining a car accident attorney following an accident. How soon should I hire an attorney? When do I need an attorney? If the accident involved a serious injury that required ambulance transport, you should consult with a lawyer as soon as possible to discuss your options. An attorney can also help you in cases that result in wrongful death. Additionally, if the police report places blame on you, the victim, or if your insurance company is uncooperative in paying you a fair amount, you should hire a lawyer. Long story short, if you were in an accident that was caused by the negligence of another, it’s in your best interest to contact an attorney as soon as possible to discuss your options for filing a personal injury claim.

An attorney can also help you in the event the insurance company is acting in bad faith. Insurance bad faith occurs when the insurance company denies you the coverage you have paid them for, refuse to pay a claim pre-investigation, do not pay in a timely manner, or don’t explain why your claim was denied. In these cases, your Nevada bad faith insurance lawyer can help fight against the insurance companies to obtain the compensation you are entitled to.

Related: How Soon Should I Hire An Attorney After A Car Accident?

To ensure the most accurate payout is obtained, you should contact an injury lawyer as soon as possible following your car accident. Why? It is likely that the negligent party has contacted their insurance company, who will undoubtedly contact you as quickly as possible to obtain any incriminating information to be used against you. You should never, ever provide a statement to an insurance company without first contacting an attorney. Remember, the insurance companies are not on your side. They are only concerned with their bottom line–which means paying out as little as possible. Your attorney will handle the insurance companies for you; if and when they call, kindly tell them you are not at liberty to provide information regarding your case as you are in the process of retaining an attorney.

Nevada Statute of Limitations For Accident Injuries

Depending on the background of your injury, Nevada typically provides up to two years following an accident injury to file a claim. If you file past the two-year deadline, you will not be able to file a claim to recover compensation. Although two years may seem like plenty of time, it passes quickly, especially when you are recovering from a serious injury. Even more importantly, your actions within this two-year timeframe will hold significant weight on your recovery options. The sooner you get in touch with a lawyer, the sooner you can recover, and the better chances you have of recovering a maximum payout.

Related: Nevada personal injury Statute of Limitations

Contact Our Law Firm

If you or a loved one have been injured, don’t hesitate to contact Brian Boyer Injury Firm Las Vegas to discuss your case in a free consultation. You may be eligible to collect compensation for your medical bills, pain and suffering, and lost wages.

Contact us today by calling (702) 800-0988 for a free consultation.

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