News / Trending

5 12, 2019

2018 The Deadliest Year for Nevada Motorists Since 2008

By |2024-06-27T21:10:12-07:00December 5th, 2019|Car Accidents Today, News / Trending|Comments Off on 2018 The Deadliest Year for Nevada Motorists Since 2008

2018 Road Crash Report: Deadliest year for motorists on Nevada roads since 2008 There were over 331 fatalities on the Nevada roads in 2018, up 6.4 percent over 2017’s reported deaths, according to data derived from the state Department of Public Safety. That was the largest fatality count in the past decade, according to [...]

16 08, 2019

New Artificial Intelligence In Development To Prevent Truck Accidents

By |2024-06-19T11:20:08-07:00August 16th, 2019|Auto Accidents, News / Trending, Truck Accidents|Comments Off on New Artificial Intelligence In Development To Prevent Truck Accidents

Artificial intelligence is the wave of the future. Many many products people in Las Vegas use every day incorporate a form of artificial intelligence--from "Hey Siri" to Amazon's Alexa, to intelligent vacuums, and self-driving cars... the demand and success of AI continually rolls out, and it was only a matter of time before this [...]

14 04, 2019

Henderson, NV Police Department: Warning To Distracted Drivers

By |2024-08-07T21:00:21-07:00April 14th, 2019|News / Trending|Comments Off on Henderson, NV Police Department: Warning To Distracted Drivers

Stay focused on the road or pay a fine! The Henderson Police Department announced a 10-day campaign targeting distracted drivers commencing April 12, 2019 through April 22, 2019, and they mean business. "As part of Joining Forces, a statewide law enforcement program, agencies will work together in an effort to make roadways safer by enforcing [...]

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