Nevada Bad Faith Insurance Lawyers Near You

bad faith insurance attorney in nevadaAlmost every adult in the United States has some form of an insurance policy. Whether it is homeowner’s insurance, auto insurance, or health insurance, policyholders make continuous payments on their premiums to ensure they are covered. Therefore, they rightfully expect their insurance companies to uphold their end of the agreement when a homeowner needs to file a claim. 

However, insurance companies are notoriously known for denying compensation to their loyal customers. Their deceitful tactics are used to turn claims against policyholders, which in turn means the insurance company does not have to lose money. Unfortunately, insurance companies will take money from their clients all day, but they try their hardest not to give their clients the compensation they are owed. 

When insurance companies choose to wrongfully deny or delay claims they are engaging in insurance bad faith, which is a form of unfair claims practice. Insurance policyholders who feel as if a claim they made has been wrongfully denied have options. The state of Nevada offers its insured residents various avenues that will help hold insurance companies accountable, and allow them to claim the compensation and coverage they are owed.

A skilled bad faith insurance attorney will know exactly how to handle a wrongfully denied insurance claim. Our skilled attorneys Brian Boyer Injury & Accident Lawyers are able to assist individuals involved in many different types of bad faith insurance disputes. Insurance companies, adjusters and their legal teams can intimidate and bully policyholders into believing they won’t be able to claim compensation. Our lawyers will defend and advocate for our clients against insurance companies. We are unafraid to pursue the justice and compensation that is owed to our clients.  

When an insurance company illegally denies a claim, prolongs payment on a claim, or engages in other forms of insurance bad faith or unethical practices, you have options for fighting back. In the State of Nevada, consumers have a variety of options available to hold these insurance companies accountable for their actions.

The Injury Firm Las Vegas has over a decade of experience fighting insurance companies, and our law firm understands what it takes to achieve maximum compensation in an insurance bad faith claim. If you believe your insurance company has acted negligently or otherwise engaged in unfair claims practices, contact our law office for a free consultation. Call 702-514-1414 or use the contact form on this page to schedule your consultation.

In This Guide:

  1. What to expect from the insurance company
  2. What is considered bad faith?
  3. Common examples of bad faith insurance in Nevada
  4. Denying or undervaluing claims is not always bad faith
  5. Is it difficult to win a bad faith claim?

What to expect from the insurance company

Although we would like to think otherwise, the insurance companies are not on our side.  Even if you’ve paid your premium on time, your injuries are life-changing and not your fault, insurance companies are in business to make money, not give it away… so they will do everything in their power to ensure they pay as little as possible for any given claim. This is important to remember when you are dealing with a car accident in Las Vegas, NV.

Insurance Bad Faith Las Vegas

What is considered bad faith?

Insurance bad faith in Nevada is a legal term used to generally describe any wrongful actions taken by insurance companies to avoid paying their policy holder’s claim. When an individual purchases an insurance policy they are putting faith in the insurance provider that they will provide compensation when a claim is filed. Policyholders have the right to be provided coverage under the applicable terms of their policy. When insurance companies fail to do so, they are acting in bad faith. Bad faith insurance is basically an insurance company failing to act reasonably and according to law by mishandling a claim. Bad faith is simply stating that the insurance carrier has not made a good-faith effort to resolve a claim. In fact, many insurance companies breach their duty for due care more often than you would like to think, leaving hundreds of unknowing victims in their tracks.

Nevada’s bad faith insurance laws clearly state that all insurance companies have a duty to offer an “implied covenant of good faith and fair dealing” to their policyholders. It is most likely that a bad faith insurance lawsuit can be brought by the policyholder if a company fails to abide by its legal duty and doesn’t deal with the claim fairly. 

Common examples of bad faith insurance in Nevada

Most individuals that file insurance claims are already in an unlucky situation. Maybe an individual was in a car accident and their vehicle was deemed totaled, or there is significant damage to their home from adverse weather. No policyholder wants to deal with these circumstances, as well as having their claim denied. 

When individuals have been injured in any type of accident, including car and personal injuries, they may encounter problems with not only the responsible party’s insurance provider but their own as well. In the eyes of the law, insurance companies have a duty to act in good faith and fairly deal with their client’s claims. An insurance company may be acting in bad faith if they have delayed, undervalued, or botched an individual’s claim. 

There are plenty of ways insurance companies can breach their duty of care to injury victims and their policyholders. They will often do this in an attempt to save on costs.  Here are common bad faith practices in Nevada:

  • Denying a claim without providing a reason why
  • Failing to fully investigate a claim before denying it
  • Offering less money than the claim is worth
  • Failing to follow the terms set forth in an insurance agreement
  • Providing incorrect information about a policy or its specific language
  • Denying or refusing to pay on a valid claim
  • Refusing to provide documentation
  • Threatening, harassing, or intimidating the policyholder 
  • Refusing to provide required paperwork or deadlines until after they have passed
  • Denying or delaying decisions on requests for approval of medical treatments
  • Failing to communicate with the parties to the accident
  • Failing to honor the policy at play
  • Stalling, delaying the process
  • Denying a valid claim
  • Offering much less than what a claim is worth

If you believe you have fallen victim to a bad faith insurance claim in Las Vegas, NV, please contact our law firm immediately for a free consultation. Our injury lawyers are available to take your call at any time. Call 702-514-1414 for a free consultation.

Denying or undervaluing claims is not always bad faith

It’s important to know that not every denied or undervalued claim is in bad faith. In some cases, liability is assigned to multiple claims, therefore the value of the claim will be lowered. Some claims are denied and undervalued because the policy agreement does not fully cover the claim. 

There can be legitimate reasons as to why a claim is denied or undervalued by the insurance company. The best way to determine whether or not a Nevada insurance company has acted in bad faith is to carefully review the verbiage in the policy. An experienced and dedicated Las Vegas bad faith attorney will be able to review a policy and outline exactly what it dictates. Then they will review the claim and determine whether or not the insurance provider has acted in bad faith.  

Insurance companies love to use difficult verbiage and technicalities to take advantage of clients, but our experienced bad faith lawyers know exactly how to protect the rights of our clients. We have seen all the tricks and tactics that insurance companies use to skirt around compensating their policyholders, and we aim to seek justice. Our main goal is to ensure our clients receive the insurance coverage they deserve. 

Is it Difficult to Win a Bad Faith Claim?

When a policyholder suspects their insurance company is acting in bad faith, they may feel as if fighting the claim decision is not worth it. However, in most cases once bad faith is mentioned to the insurance provider, they tend to change their tune.  Especially when the policyholder notifies them of their decision to obtain legal representation from a bad faith insurance attorney. 

Our Nevada bad faith insurance lawyers have the ability to help our clients dictate a written accusation of bad faith. Typically, these letters receive prompt attention and can provoke a change in the insurance provider’s settlement decision. It is possible to hold an insurance company liable for damages that are well beyond what the actual claim is worth if they have acted in bad faith. However, due to differing definitions of bad faith throughout the states, it is hard to win these kinds of cases in court. Even so, the threat of possible litigation over bad faith may prompt an insurance company to offer a reasonable settlement.

How can a lawyer help you?

Unless you have extensive legal experience handling insurance claims, you’d likely have the lower-hand if you attempt to pursue a personal injury claim on your own. Insurance companies are well-equipped to handle multiple lawsuits at any given time, and they have an extensive legal team working on their side. For that reason, you will need one on your side. The best way to ensure a successful case is to contact our lawyer in Las Vegas, Nevada if you believe you Insurance companies have years of practice devaluing client claims, plenty of resources at their dispense and aggressive legal teams. The best way to protect your rights during a claim is by hiring a lawyer in Las Vegas near you. As your lawyer, we will negotiate ruthlessly and fight for maximum financial compensation on your behalf.

Las Vegas bad faith insurance attorneys near you

At The Injury Firm Las Vegas, we know how insurance companies operate and we can identify the sneaky bad faith tactics they use. Our top priority is to ensure each client that walks through our door is treated fairly in the eyes of the insurance companies. Help is nearby. We are dedicated to fighting for you and your loved ones following a car accident or any other type of personal injury accident to ensure maximum compensation is reached.

Request a free consultation with Attorney, Brian M. Boyer by calling 702-514-1414 anytime or submitting your information here.

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