Speak To A Lost Truckload Accident Lawyer First

Over 50 years of combined experience.
Million dollar recovery settlements.

Las Vegas lost truck load accident lawyer

Trucks and other vehicles with unsecured loads present significant danger to other drivers, pedestrians, and vehicles on the road. Debris that results from a truck’s lost load can hit and damage another vehicle and cause severe personal injury. If you have fallen victim to injury due to a lost truck load, please contact Brian Boyer Injury Firm Las Vegas immediately for a free, no-obligation consultation with one of our Las Vegas truck accident lawyers!

Nevada Regulations Concerning Lost Truck Loads

A recent study conducted by the Government Accountability Office indicated that the total number of unsecured truckload accidents is unknown provided the inability to distinguish roadway hazards from human error, including lost truckloads, and natural hazards, such as obstructions brought forth by natural causes, including harsh weather and falling objects.

In an attempt to ensure the safety of commercial vehicles carrying loads, the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration has created various regulations governing securing cargo on commercial trucks. As of today, only 15 states have had laws governing non-commercial vehicles operating with unsecured loads. Even fewer states have enacted safety education programs to teach drivers how to properly secure loads.

Any trucking company that fails to adhere to these regulations may face severe penalties, and they may he held accountable for any crash or injury caused as a result.

If a lost load causes an accident

Lost truckloads are dangerous as they can cause severe car accident injuries. If a truckload falls to the road, the potential for a car accident increases tenfold. From cars hitting the debris to cars swerving in an attempt to avoid the debris, the potential is vast.

When a lost truckload causes a collision, the effects of the drivers involved are dangerous. Typical injuries from this type of crash include broken bones, head injury, soft-tissue damage, nerve damage, lacerations, and emotional distress.

Some injuries can even be fatal or result in long-term disability. If and when this happens, you should seek to recover for the full extent of all economic and non-economic damages, including medical bills, pain and suffering, lost wages, loss of consortium, and more.

How our law firm can help you

If you have been injured in a truck accident caused by a lost cargo load, the Injury Firm | Las Vegas can help protect your rights. With over 50 years of combined experience and an unyielding passion for helping injury victims recover financially, please do not hesitate to call our attorneys at 702-514-1414 for a free and confidential case review.

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Jacqueline S.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

Upon hiring them you get a law firm that will leave you confident that your case will be handled expertly and with your interests front and center. After time you’ll also realize that you’ve not only gained a great law firm and advocate, you’ve gained a group of trusted friends that you can count on for years to come.

Wilma R.

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He was transparent and consistently kept me updated and prepared me for everything along the way. Everyone was very friendly and welcoming from start to finish and knowing your in good hands is a huge sigh of relief. Overall a great experience!

Gerald F.

★ ★ ★ ★ ★

I recently had the pleasure of working with Brian Boyer from this law firm after being involved in a car accident here in Vegas. From the moment I called for a legal consultation, I felt confident in their ability to handle my case.

Our personal injury attorney in Las Vegas, Nevada never settles for less.
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