The average slip and fall settlement ranges depending on the policy limits at play. Although every case is unique, it would be fair to state that the averages around $10,000; however, we have seen some cases settle for as much as $800,000! If you’ve been hurt in a slip and fall accident due to the negligence of another person or entity, you may be wondering, “what is the average slip and fall settlement amount?” Continue reading to discover if you may be entitled to financial compensation.

* It is important to note, however, that the settlement amounts can vary greatly depending on numerous factors that we will begin to discuss in this article composed by our very own personal injury lawyer, Brian Boyer.

average slip and fall settlement amount

What determines the size of a slip and fall settlement?

Although some settlements are higher than others, the basic payout is highly dependent on the following factors:

Type of injury

One of the biggest factors in any personal injury claim centers on how badly you’ve been hurt. Catastrophic injuries typically result in higher medical bills, lost earnings, and emotional pain and suffering.

Minor injuries can result in a settlement, but it could result in a lesser payout. That said, even the smallest injury could cause a huge disruption in your everyday routine. That is why it is critical that you contact a experienced personal injury attorney immediately following any injury.

Evidence collected

Slip and fall cases are built by collecting as much evidence as possible. Typical examples of evidence include, but are not limited to:

  • Photos and video of the accident and/or accident scene;
  • Witness testimony;
  • Incident report filed.

In order to strengthen your case, you must collect as much information as possible as quickly as possible. Let me paint a picture for you on a common example of evidence in a slip and fall case:

Example: Let’s say you’re shopping at Walmart and you slip on a clear liquid on the floor. The cleaning crew would likely clean up the scene immediately after your fall. Therefore, it is critical that you photograph the scene if you are able to, and ALWAYS file an incident report with the store manager or security. An incident report almost always admits fault for an accident and can prove to be an invaluable asset in building a slip and fall case.

Present and future medical bills

Just as photos and videos of the slip and fall accident scene are considered evidence, medical bills, both present and future, will have a significant impact on the total settlement collected. If you wish to collect maximum compensation, you will need a medical doctor to document your injuries from the start of the injury through your treatment.

Calculating compensation for a slip and fall

The compensation for a slip and fall accident is composed of both economic and non-economic damages. Economic damages include physical, tangible damages, such as medical bills and lost wages.  Non-economic damages are those that cannot be physically held or seen, such as emotional pain and suffering and loss of consortium.

Read more on What Are Recoverable Damages?

A final note on premises liability claims

The result of most slip and fall cases is centered on the principle of premises liability. In order to secure compensation, you need to be able to prove that the owner of the property where the accident occurred acted negligently in regard to ensuring a safe premises for its residents and guests.

In the earlier example of the Walmart slip and fall, had the staff been made aware of the dangerous condition and failed to remedy it in a reasonable manner, they could be held responsible for the resulting damages of any injury that occurred as a result of their negligence.

In order to win a premises liability claim in Nevada, you must be able to prove three key elements:

  1. The dangerous condition existed;
  2. The owner or its employees were made aware of the dangerous condition;
  3. The dangerous condition caused your injury.

Premises liability cases are rather difficult to prove on your own, so it is highly advisable that you work with a skilled slip and fall attorney to help you build a strong case against the property owner.

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Contact our personal injury attorney

If you or a loved one have been injured in a slip and fall accident, it is in your best interest to contact an experienced attorney to help get you the compensation that you are entitled to. Our personal injury attorney can ensure that your claim is filed correctly and we will help you build a strong case against the property owners that proves negligence and fault.

By hiring Brian Boyer Injury & Accident Lawyer, we are prepared to do just that for you. Call our law firm at any time at 702-514-1414 for a free case review.



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